Client-side plugins announce the availability of data by adding a class name to the enclosing div of the form 'something-source'. Here we systematically explore the source names in use in the visible federation. github
force-source force force-source linkmap graph-source cytodemo graph-source graph graph-source markdown graph-source transport marker-source bikeshare marker-source map mid-source cytodemo radar-source calendar radar-source fivestar radar-source metabolism radar-source method radar-source radar radar-source reduce radar-source rollup roster-source activity roster-source roster sequence-source line sequence-source txtzyme server-source alert server-source datalog server-source detect toc-source activity toc-source cytodemo
One of the Search Index Downloads is a list of all plugin names encountered as type field names in page json. 78 names when I last counted. txt
We start by installing all plugins on this list from npm.
rm -rf all mkdir all echo {} >all/package.json curl -s | \ perl -ne 'print if /\w/' | \ while read p; do echo echo wiki-plugin-$p (cd all; npm i wiki-plugin-$p) done
When this completes we search the client-side javascript for each plugin, reporting only those where there are matches.
curl -s | \ perl -ne 'print if /\w/' | \ while read p; do cat all/node_modules/wiki-plugin-$p/client/$p.js | perl -ne 'print "$1 '$p'\n" if /\b(\w+-source)/' done
We sort and uniq this output and add a bit of hand formatting to get a list of all source types registered.
We encountered nearly a dozen plugins used but not available as installs from npm. Some of these are built-in to wiki-client. Others are experiments never published.
We also notice that the Chart plugin appears only in an about page which isn't indexed by search.