Electron Wiki

Nick Niemeir has created an Electron application that bundles wiki-server with a browser window running the wiki-client giving the assembly exceptional control over its environment. site

Source is presently a 22 line commit on a branch in the wiki repo. Screenshot and diagram available in a pull request. github

# Features

Installs as application without dependents. ~40MB.

More persistence options than browser based ui.

Consistent and flexible chromium config. docs

# Possibilities

Page content bundled with the electron app.

Run wiki as tray app, use electron to manage it?

Manage cloud servers with keys & scripts in electron?

# Questions

How to guide students in their work?

How to host sites for students? farm mode?

Could share internet as man-in-the-middle.

Page storage within the app, but how to update?

# Issues

Prototype requires inspector-reload to finish startup.

How to handle login? Do we need it?

Claim from electron fails with no pop-up.

Claim from lan client fails with "Unable to log you in."


Electron could be useful for restoring robust functional tests. Nightmare provides an example. github