There are a few places in the development where I felt I knew I was on the right track. With Eric's help I found an isolated place to write code. Here we look to github for historical snapshots where things looked especially nice.
I started by reading indented markup lines as a tree and generating dot commands that would render just that.
Here I got HERE and LINKS to work together. I still wasn't fetching new pages but I could get a good feel for what needed to be in the context before I started doing real async stuff and more KEYWORDS. By this time I had ripped out the "parent" stuff that I had written just to be able to draw the input tree. Context became the new parent. Somewhere I wrote a more complete definition of keyword semantics because I keep referring to the context without explaining it.
This is as good as it gets. The rest is just adding too many await steps so that I didn't think about starting and ending fetches as two different things. I also wrote enough other keywords that I could use read data as test cases.
Dynamic Diagrams in Use documents small discoveries as we apply algorithmic markup to works in the federation.
Visitor as Schema describes the influence dynamic diagrams might have on page uniformity.