Making Growing Regions Wiki

This site is derived from the book. We explain some specialized pages we use here.

We construct some pages with details that we will want to check after the pages have been generated.

We include several algorithmic diagrams first drawn on a page with the intended link structure it will interpret. This is then transcluded wherever it is wanted.

Programming tasks to be completed.

- [x] recognize all links - [x] check links against pattern titles - [x] omit chapter numbers from links - [x] convert footnote references to superscripts - [x] add section links to patterns and graph them - [x] italic paragraph as blockquote - [x] add ❖ ❖ ❖ - [x] embedded images with captions - [x] remaining embedded images - [x] replace . . . ⇒ … - [x] link bare urls as in footnotes - [x] format numbered lists Biophilic Urbanism

Authoring, policy making and reviewing to be completed.

- [x] synopsis for navigation pages - [ ] summaries of cited patterns - [ ] document formatting conventions req by drawings - [ ] how to participate with word and email - [ ] how to participate with federated wiki - [x] create and claim the public site