User-mode Preeminence

At the moment Fedwiki is constructed in the interest of the writer, we may even say the advanced writer. Let's call this mode of experience the Author Mode.

A non-logged in user experiences wiki in Reader Mode. There are other possible modes, such as a logged-in user viewing another authors site of origin, or a site of origin within the authors own wiki farm or ownership.

An understanding of the needs of different types of user - ie participant in wiki - should allow a richer social experience, and improve some of user-experience issues as the design moves forwards.

An alternative way forwards is to create different softwares for different users. So: - Reader Wiki - Author Wiki etc

This would make the software more modular, but means we move away from the read-write conceptual origins of wiki. The use of plugins to address this issue would therefore seem a middle ground.

That is what we want is the reader experience to be as undemanding as possible is Reader Mode, and that this experience should be able to be fully crafted by the author in Author Mode.

A logged in author could have user defined control of link behavior as we expect them to be at least partially cognoscent of the concepts. See Link to Neighbors


This might be moving away from the concept of wiki as a platform towards wiki as a performance. Are my words a platform for your creativity or are my words a performance that I want you to experience?