The new image plugin manages uploads by squeezing then hashing the bits and storing each image uniquely in per-site and per-server caches. The plugin captures Lat/Lon EXIF data before squeezing and saves this in the created page json. Here we consider sharing opportunities thus provided.
We fetch and interpret wiki page json for many reasons. Here we collect and distribute as an ES6 module our functions found most useful. github
We can find survey probe documentation scattered among the sites where the probes are most useful. Here we inspect a small collection of general purpose probes developed coincident with the survey mechanisms.
Our daily photo challenge has provided a test bed for image intensive applications.
We take and share a well crafted photograph every day. Each week we start a new page and let the first photograph set an agenda for the week.
We maintain an index of managed image items so that they can be organized by location and/or caption contents. github
History shows we'll want a few scripts for our work here, or possibly many. Eventually page specific assets will go on their own pages but for now here. github
We note here some sharing opportunities that have not yet been well served by available markup or algorithms.
Sharing Image Locations based on marker-source from the image plugin.
Shared Image Hashes as within-site and cross-site associations.